References to our daily activities, one bit at a time!
We are curious and inquisitive by nature. Our blog is a vehicle for our musings, observations, thoughts, technical debates and discoveries. It also shows insights into our daily jobs.
→ Contingency explained to our customers (en)
Why we charge some of our projects with a contingency period and why we believe it is an asset for our customers
published by Grégoire Welraeds, managing partner at i-Logs on 18/04/2018
→ Erlang User defined types (en)
This is just a quick note to myself about Erlang custom types, just because I wanted to define my own types and use them in a Erlang script…
published by Grégoire Welraeds, managing partner at i-logs on 26/03/2018
→ Problème réseau OVH (fr)
Le réseau du prestataire OVH en Europe a été coupé suite à deux incidents techniques
published by i-Logs Support Team on 09/11/2017
→ Alerte Ransomware Dans Les Medias (fr)
les medias belges ont relayés une alerte sécurité suite à la propagation massive de malware de type ransomware
published by i-Logs support team on 01/02/2017
→ Arrivée massive de faux mails bpost (fr)
Augmentation massive de faux mails relatifs à des factures impayées, livraisons, cotisations sociales, ... et plus spécialement de faux mail Bpost
published by i-Logs support team on 01/02/2017